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Photography is a part of our daily lives. Everyone has an iPhone or another great smartphone that has a camera on it. Some of the phone cameras are even better than a point and shoot camera…way more convenient too. But nothing can take the place of a shoot with a professional photographer. The photos are going to be a high quality and maybe you can even get in a couple of the pictures…yeah, I am talking to you, moms! Put that tripod and iPhone away and let me be that person to capture the beauty…and craziness of your family.  : )

My prices are a base amount and I have different packages based on your needs. Don’t let the prices scare you off. Please contact me with any questions or ideas you have for an upcoming photo shoot.

  • Portraits – begin at $250
  • Wedding Packages – begin at $1800
  • Product Photography – half day/full day pricing beginning at $500
  • Real Estate Photography – $200
  • Event Photography – varies